سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن
درباره وبلاگ

عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آرشیو وبلاگ
عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آمار وبلاگ
  • بازدید امروز: 34
  • بازدید دیروز: 286
  • کل بازدیدها: 2303767

زبان * خط * سخن * صفحه شخصی : ابوالقاسم آوند

True or False


1 ) ………  All types g social correspondence include eight parts .


2 ) ………  General arrangement of the different parts g a letter is referred to as “body” .


3 ) ………  Social letters are said to be informal .


4 ) ………  The writer’s address and the date form the heading .


5 ) ………  The heading is written at the top left-hand corner of the first page of the letter .


6 ) ………  The writer’s name is not included in the heading .


7 ) ………  When the letter is very informal , the address may not include date .


8 ) ………  A mare formal correspondence will need an inside address .


9 ) ………  The inside address is written at the top left hand corner of the letter .


10 ) ………  The inside address is two lines above the salutation .


11 ) ……… The writer’s name , his / her title , company or department and the sender’s address make up the inside address .


12 ) ………  Salutation is the equivalent of “Hello” .


13 ) ………  A comma follows the  salutation an in formal correspondence .


14 ) ………  A colon follows the salutation in formal letters .


15 ) ………  You have to put a full stop after Mr. , Mrs. And Ms .


16 ) ………  Dear Madam “ is used when you write to a woman who is married .


17 ) ………  “Dear Mr. John Smith” : is right if you know whom receives your letter .


18 ) ……… The paragraphs of the body of the letter are double spaced .


19 ) ………  The division of the body g a letter into three parts is a common practice , even in short letters .


20 ) ………  The purpose of the letter is expressed in the opening paragraph .


21 ) ………Generally speaking , the middle part consists of a number of sentences or paragraphs .


22 ) ………  The purpose of the letter determines the length g the middle .


23 ) ………  “ Thank you from the bottom of our hearts” is a sample sentence used in the beginning paragraph .


24 ) ………  You should close your less formal letters with more formal sentences .


25 ) ………  There is a lot of variation among different writers regarding the arrangement of the body of a letter .


26 ) ………  Complementary close depends on the formality of a letter .


27 ) ………  “Respectfully” is used as a complimentary close in religious correspondence .


28 ) ………  “Very truly your” is used for companies.


29 ) ………  “Sincerely yours” , is used for political correspondence .


30 ) ………  If you begin a letter by using “Dear Madam”, you close it by writing “Best wishes” .


31 ) ………  In formal correspondence, your name and your title are included in the signature block.


32 ) ………  In a letter to a politician, you type both your name and your title in the signature block.


33 ) ………  “P.S.” is used when the writer decides to add something to the letter before closing the letter .


34 ) ………  On the envelope, it is optional to your write own address.


35 ) ………  On the envelope, the receiver’s name is the last line of the address.


36 ) ………  If the letter is mailed to a person within the country, the name of the country is not essential .


37 ) ………  It is preferred to write the address on the envelope all in capital letters.


38 ) ………  The floor, suite, and apartment number are not included on the envelope.


39 ) ………  Invitations and congratulations are letters of social obligation.

40 ) ………  Personal business letters are written to take care of what we need to do to live in society.


41 ) ………  “Complaints” is a letter of personal business.


42 ) ………  The abbreviation “R.S.V.P.” is Written when a reply is required.


43 ) ………  Letters of regret are written when you turn down an invitation.


44 ) ………  “Nothing could please me more than to join you for lunch on Monday” is a sentence to decline an invitation.


45 ) ………  An invitation to a church wedding does not require a reply .


46 ) ………   “We wish you all the possible joy and happiness” is a sentence which is to use in condolence.


47 ) ………  The best condolence message is brief and pompous.


48 ) ………  A handwritten letter of condolence can certainly express more sincere sympathy than a typed one.


49 ) ………  “You know you can always count an our affection.” is a sentence used in a friendly letter.


50 ) ………  The main purpose of writing friendly letters is to make people feel better.


51 ) ………  In a business correspondence, the month of the date should not be written in figures.


52 ) ………  The word confidential is used to indicate that only the recipient should open the letter.


53 ) ………   In salutation, neither first name nor initials are used .


54 ) ………  “Dear Gentlemen” is used to address the board directory in the UK .


55 ) ………  The first paragraph of a business correspondence is usually appreciating the reader.


56 ) ………  “Yours faithfully” and “Yours sincerely” are mainly used in American correspondence.


57 ) ………  The reference initial (GG/jc) consists of typist’s initials and signer’s initials respectively.


58 ) ………  In your letter of complaint, you try to use passive and impersonal structures.


59 ) ………  A letter in which you ask the customer to pay the money he owes you is called letter of credit.


60 ) ………  This punctuation mark (&) is called “ampersand” .

 Cloze Task

 Fill in each blank with an appropriate word .

Dear Anne ,

           The best of  ………  to you and Dick !

            I heard the good  ………  this morning and called George right away to ……. him . We think it’s wonderful , since we ……… think of two people more ……… to each other than you and ………  .

             I know you’ll ……… be happy ,  ………   . Fondly , Peggy . 


 Letter Writing


1 ) Create a situation and

      produce a collection letter .

 Scrambled Sentences


Put the following words and phrases in correct order .


1 ) I / you / Mr. Hold / It / me / your / was / of / and / to invite / and / appreciate / thoughtful / most / warmly / hospitality


2 ) I / I / you / Although / be / must / never / had / the / of / knowing / Harriet / Know / deeply / how / privilege / affected


 3 ) You / You / our / know / always / on / can / affection / count

موضوع مطلب :

شنبه 86 خرداد 26 :: 10:9 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند